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This short, fast paced, irreverent guide to creativity is for anyone who works with their minds (or who has lost theirs recently and wants it back). You won’t find useless clichés, overhead lightbulbs or thinking in boxes, here in Berkun’s 7th and latest book. Instead it delights you with a fresh and fun way to think about thinking that will stay with you a long time. And you can read the whole thing, including laughing time, in less than 3 hours. Grab the five free chapters if you wish first.
With challenging chapters on finding ideas, developing concepts, creative confidence, making bold decisions, and separating feedback from encouragement, The Dance of The Possible will surprise you, make you think, laugh and perhaps even dance when you get back to work.
Praise for The Dance of the Possible:
“You’ll find a lot to steal from this short, inspiring guide to being creative. Made me want to get up and make stuff!” – Austin Kleon, author of How To Steal Like An Artist
“A fun, funny, no-BS guide to finding new ideas and finishing them. Instantly useful.” — Ramez Naam, author of the Nexus Trilogy
“Concisely debunks all kinds of misconceptions about the creative process in a book that’s no-nonsense, fun, and inspiring.” — Mason Currey, author of Daily Rituals: How Artists Work
“This book will undoubtedly increase your abilities to invent, innovate, inspire, and make things that matter. It’s fun, it’s funny, and it’s phenomenally effective.” – Jane McGonigal, author of the New York Times bestsellers Reality is Broken and SuperBetter
“Highly recommended for anyone whose employment just might depend on the quality of their next idea.” – Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative
“Creativity is the nature of the mind. It is our birthright and our gift. The Dance of the Possible, beautifully, reminds us of how to open it.” – Sunni Brown, author of Gamestorming and The Doodle Revolution
“A fun read and a helpful book! Berkun demystifies creativity in work and play with nuggets of truth and common sense.”
– Dan Boyarksi, Professor, School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University
“This new nugget of genius from Scott is the best thing I’ve read about creativity in a long time.” – Dan Roam, author of The Back of The Napkin and Draw To Win
“This short, irreverent-yet-authoritative book from Scott will set you on the right path to get inspired and take action on what you create.” – Chris Guillebeau, NYT bestselling author of The $100 Startup and host of Side Hustle School
“…makes the font of creativity something that is right at your door, offering you a cup and inviting you to drink every day.” – Andrew McMasters, Founder and Artistic Director, Jet City Improv
“A spirited and tangibly useful guide to actually getting art done — memorably clear, mercifully artspeak-free, and filled with pithy nuggets of real-world wisdom.” — Ted Orland, co-author of Art & Fear.
“The best short book on creativity yet! Playful, irreverent, insightful, exciting! Full of good advice delivered by example rather than description. Get on with it, Berkun advises, and expeditiously gets you on your way!” – Bob Root-Bernstein, co-author of Sparks of Genius, Professor of Physiology, Michigan State University
“Decades of creative experience distilled into an efficient little book you can finish on a plane ride.” – Kirby Ferguson, filmmaker, Everything is a Remix
Buy it now: at, on Kindle, Paperback or Audiobook.