Remote work @ by the numbers (Infographic)

[Update: I learned a lesson about infographic spam after posting this]

Here’s a quick visual rundown on remote work and WordPress.

They got a handful of things wrong:


7 Responses to “Remote work @ by the numbers (Infographic)”

  1. anonymous coward

    Why would you dignify that site with a response? I’m sure they’re loving the traffic buzz. They’ll probably develop a new strategy of creating yet more bogus content with the hopes that other bloggers would issue errata.

    If it were anyone else, I’d suspect money was made on the deal.

    1. Scott

      I agree their site looked sketchy, but most of the info they have in the graph is accurate regardless of what their site is about. I confess ignorance to how much my mention of them in this format contributes to anything unseemly.

      And no, I was not paid anything to post this :)

  2. anonymous coward

    Sorry Scott, I should have been clearer. Specifically, I meant that mentioning them elevates their site rank and of course, some are going to click through. I get pitches from similar sites… I hate those sites, the “colleges” they represent are little short of scams imo. They’ve proven to be very detrimental to those wishing to enter my [very competitive] industry. Young people are saddled with debt that they’ll likely never repay and in return, their diplomas aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on. Those degrees are the kiss of death in my business. So tragic for hopeful young people…

    And if I didn’t make it clear enough before, I did not suspect you were paid to post. I meant to convey that had it been nearly anyone else, I would have wondered.

    I have 3 of your books; haven’t read them all the way through tho. Even my very cynical husband is cautiously receptive to your innovation book (in fact, he absconded with it) which is the highest praise I can give because I can never speak for him. Point of fact, your integrity precedes you.

    1. Scott

      Thanks for following up. I appreciate it. I’ll do some investigating and take the link down if appropriate.

    2. Scott

      Interesting to find how many reputable sites link to them (e.g. Forbes) Of course that one is an article about Klout, which has its own problems.

      1. anonymous coward

        Huh, didn’t know about Klout altho I suspected it was kind of schmarmy. My score never exceeded 60% which I thought was rather low for my niche. Now I don’t feel bad since Mr. O only scored 58%.

        Wish I’d known about the Salon article. Yeah, that’s the gist of what I would have said but didn’t want to get all politikal on you.


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