FOR FANS ONLY: The Dance of the Possible

Thanks for supporting my work over these last 14 years. I never forget that it’s because of you sharing my ideas, and buying my books, that I’ve been able to do this for so long. As promised, you can now download the digital editions of my latest book, until midnight PST Monday March 13th.

The time has passed. Thousands of you have downloaded the book and I hope you truly enjoy it.

It’s the shortest and funniest of all my books. I think you’re in for a treat. To get it:

  • Click to download The Dance of the Possible (ZIP includes PDF, Mobi/Kindle and ePub editions)

You can of course still grab the free chapter, or buy the book online.

Handy links

  1. Best single link – all the blurbs/endorsements/pre-order/etc.:
  2. Free chapter link:
  3. pre-order link:
  4. On Twitter, here is a great thread to RT:
  5. Hi-Res Cover image:
  6. Small Cover Image: