Interview with George Carlin. One can learn a great deal from this man about public speaking. He has a new HBO special.
Sidewalk Innovation. It’s funny: we can make supersonic jets and go to the moon, but making sidewalks that don’t crack from the growth of trees is just too much for us. Well not anymore. the answer? Rubber (video).
Record number of Americans in prison. Not sure how anyone can seriously argue there aren’t serious problems in America. Either we have too punitive a culture (e.g. drug possession ‘crimes’), our culture produces more criminals than other cultures, or we are miserable failures at designing prisons to minimize repeat offenses. (Check out the documentary Prisontown for one powerful slice of the American prison system).
Are CD’s the next 8-track tapes? Article claims almost half of all teenagers in the U.S. bought zero CDs in 2007. The death of the mix-tape was sad enough, but I doubt mix-flash drives and playlists will ever be Valentines day staples like mix-tapes used to be.