Why are phone keypads in that order? One of those ubiquitous designs we forget someone designed. Very cool to see the alternative designs they experimented with.
Ten design lessons learned from Las Vegas. One of my favorite things about Vegas is studying how the casinos are designed: there’s tons of thinking going on most people never thing about. This is a good piece on learing about UI design from LV.
Google, the Printing press and stupidity. Puts the whole question of whether tech makes us stupid into a good historical framework. Includes thoughts on Socrates, multitasking, wikipedia and more.
Regarding tech and stupidity, my most recent post on my seanessay.com site proposes that “surfing while at work” is causing prose to be read, and created, with a left brain sensibility. I feel a loss. A pre-net writer such as Orwell would have an ending “conclusion” sentence that meant one thing literally, but another thing figuratively. This is not possible with pure left brain.
Regarding tech and stupidity, my most recent post on my seanessay.com site proposes that “surfing while at work” is causing prose to be read, and created, with a left brain sensibility. I feel a loss. A pre-net writer such as Orwell would have an ending “conclusion” sentence that meant one thing literally, but another thing figuratively. This is not possible with pure left brain.