What are the most annoying platitudes?

Sometimes when people are trying to be helpful, all they can think to say is a platitude. Often this has the effect of making people feel worse, not better. Here’s a list of the most annoying platitudes people say. 

It’s true that technically some of these are cliches, others are aphorisms, but they’re all used for similar reasons and can be equally irritating. It’s interesting to note how many of them conflict with each other.

  • There’s no I in Team (what about healthy teams that appreciate constructive individuality?)
  • Good things come to those who wait
  • It was meant to be (then why did we bother trying to make it not be?)
  • The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results (sometimes you have to do the same exact thing many times to get the result you want – it’s called practice)
  • Time heals all wounds (how about losing a limb?)
  • Such is life
  • Forgive and forget
  • Everything happens for a reason (including suffering and early death?)
  • People are our most important asset
  • It is what it is
  • What the mind can conceive, it can achieve
  • Winners never quit
  • What doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger
  • I don’t want a team of champions, I want a champion team. (Note that there is an I in “champion team”)
  • Teamwork to make the Dream work
  • “C’est la vie”
  • Hard work always pays off
  • God has a plan for you
  • Great minds think alike
  • Money can’t buy happiness
  • Live each moment like it’s your last (not very pleasant)
  • If at first you don’t succeed, try try again (maybe you should try elsewhere)
  • Follow your passion
  • Follow your bliss (what if mine is cocaine?)
  • That’s just my personal opinion
  • Let’s not reinvent the wheel
  • It’s not rocket science
  • It’s all good
  • What goes up, goes down
  • After the storm the sun will shine
  • Don’t assume – it makes an ASS out of U and ME
  • Don’t be sad because it’s over, be glad that it happened
  • Love means never having to say you’re sorry (Then please don’t love me)
  • We are where we are
  • What goes around comes around
  • What’s done is done
  • Waste not want not
  • It has to be somewhere (as if this helps you find something that’s lost)
  • Nice guys finish last
  • Go with the flow
  • Only dead fish go with the flow
  • No offense, but…
  • Rome wasn’t built in a day
  • Work smarter, not harder
  • There’s no I in team
  • Life doesn’t give you things you can’t handle (depends on what life gives you, doesn’t it?)
  • You’re as young as you feel
  • Age is just a number
  • It’s just software
  • We’re all in this together
  • Everything always works out in the end
  • Time heals all wounds
  • We’ll all be laughing about this soon
  • It’s doesn’t matter if you win or lose, only that you try
  • Tomorrow is another day
  • It could be worse
  • You are what you eat
  • It’s neither here nor there
  • Think outside the box
  • It will all look better in the morning
  • Take the lemons and make lemonade
  • The best things in life are free
  • It wasn’t meant to be
  • Better to have loved and lost…
  • That’s for me to know and you to find out
  • Better late than never
  • With all due respect
  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions (so I should have bad intentions then? is that how the road to heaven is paved?)
  • Gossip is the devil’s radio
  • Laugh and the world laughs with you
  • People regret the things they didn’t do
  • Beauty is only skin deep
  • You can’t judge a book by it’s cover
  • Work hard, play hard
  • Only the good die young
  • All’s fair in love and war
  • All men are created equal
  • There are plenty more fish in the sea
  • The more things change, the more they stay the same
  • It’s the darkest just before dawn (have you seen a dawn?)
  • Fail harder
  • Perception is reality (except when your perception is very bad)
  • you can be anything that you want to be
  • Patience is a virtue
  • I’m sorry that’s not what you want to hear
  • This will hurt me more than it hurts you (well lets switch places and find out)
  • The customer is always right
  • If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen (maybe we can make the kitchen better?)
  • Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm
  • Be careful what you wish for
  • With great power comes great responsibility
  • Just think about how much worse other people have it
  • God never gives us more than we can bear (see death, misery, history of suffering)

What comes to mind? Leave a comment (240+ already have below). Thanks.

549 Responses to “What are the most annoying platitudes?”

  1. Lisach

    How about “Worrying about it won´t solve anything”.

    Or: “Be your own cheerleader”.

    “Laugh and the world laughs with you”. (I know for a fact this isn´t true!)

    “Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst” is a pet hate of mine, for many personal reasons. And it´s something that I think is basically impossible to do.

  2. rob

    “god wanted a good soul with him in heaven”

  3. Saxifrages

    God never gives us more than we can handle. (really? explain madness and suicide)

  4. Lisa

    “Some things just can’t be answered without a platitude” Robert Steidley, 2011

  5. eileen fmw

    “that’ll put hair on your chest”!!

    Just how much hair are we speculating on .. eeewww !!

  6. Drew

    – “If you don’t like yourself no-one will.” (usually coming from a self-proclaimed “positive” person.)

    – “You’ll find someone”/”There’s someone [out there] for you” (read: “not me, or anyone I know”.)

    – “That’s life.” (No, that’s you being an a**hole.)

  7. ali

    Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick
    Money can’t buy happiness
    Never put off today what you can do tomorrow
    ce la vie (sp?)
    The elephant in the room
    Pretty is as pretty does
    Beauty is only skin deep
    You can’t judge a book by it’s cover

  8. Lucy

    Work hard, play hard. Ugh!!!
    Only the good die young
    All’s fair in love and war

  9. roderick

    Im going to rapture if its the last thing I do.

  10. Jeff

    “Beauty is only skin deep.”

    Actually, one’s physical appearance has a lot to do with body fat, muscle tone and bone structure.

  11. Wilbur

    “It was love at first sight”

    “You’re scaring me”

    “you must stay at least 500 ft away from the defendant at all times”

    “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”

    1. kterbo

      “you’re scaring me is Not a platitude” that is a request for you to stop whatever it is because the person is actually scared.

    2. agent_99

      “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”

      This is not a platitude; it is merely advising someone of his or her legal situation

    3. smokebelch

      Wilbur – August 5, 2011 at 10:14 am #

      “It was love at first sight”…saw a girl in the street

      “You’re scaring me”….stalked nice girl in street

      “you must stay at least 500 ft away from the defendant at all times”….had injunction taken out for stalking nice girl in street

      “Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law”….broke injunction and ended up in court for stalking nice girl in street

      sounds to me Wilbur, you’ve got issues dude!!

      plenty more fish in the sea!

  12. d jesberger

    not really a “platitude”, but more what i like to call a “smarmism”…that whole “if you love something, set it free”…line of crap. when i hear it or see it somewhere, it just makes me want to break something!

  13. AdamtheIA

    These are great! There are so many that make me want to drive railroad spikes into my ears

    “You’ll just have to manage through it.”

    “we’re all in the same boat.”

    “Failure is not an option.” Apologies to Gene Krantz for all the people who coopt this quote to manufacture urgency

  14. P.T.

    “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.”

    This breeds a whole host of unhealthy thinking, attitudes, and actions like cheating.

    1. Teresa

      That one is true in most cases. You will rarely get permission if you ask before you do anything.

  15. P.T.

    “Good ideas are common – what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about”

    “He/she is my soul mate.”

  16. Simon Moore

    There are plenty more fish in the sea.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

    Also, not technically a platitude, but anything that started as a pretty inventive expression and got degraded through overuse “needle in haystack” “bull in a china shop”

  17. Terry Roe

    “It builds character.” Seems like everything I did in the military, and a great many things since, “build character.” I guess that’s why I am such a character.

  18. Charles Knutson

    “Work harder, not smarter.” Can’t we do both?!

    Any corporate motivational attempt involving the poem “Invictus.”

    Any “top priority” repeated three times a’ la “location, location, location.” e.g., “My top three priorities for my team are: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.” Best if delivered on a PowerPoint slide.

    “Customers first. Employees second. Shareholders third.” Best if delivered as the stock spikes after a layoff.

  19. Kai

    I would actually pay money to have the platitude eradicated that “A picture is worth a thousand words.” It can be, but rarely is…

  20. Pete Colligan

    “we will be agile”

    Used in place of a plan or when someone has no clue how to proceed.

  21. Jonthemoon

    Nice list !

    – “It’s the darkest just before dawn” Doesn’t tell me if I’m at the darkest or not yet…

    – “Trying never hurts” No ? Just let me try that on you…

    – “When you’re born for a bread you’re not born for a bakery”

    – “It’s lonely at the top”

    Any generalizing statement about a visible group, race or whatever that tries to simplify reality instead of trying to really understand what is going on.

  22. kterbo

    Just get over it!!(this is the worst!)
    You’ll be fine
    Don’t worry about it
    There’s always tomorrow
    Be happy
    Smile! (Hate that one too!)
    (are these platitudes?)I thought a platitude is any trite reply almost like trying to fix you with a quick answer..?

  23. Bill Penny

    What goes around, comes around

  24. POWinCA

    Great idea for a book chapter, but your ideas about platitudes are about 20 years old. You need to read more Dilbert.

    Modern platitudes are more often buzzwords that are rolled into conversations, often inappropriately. Even when the words are used appropriately, they still lack meaning. Many are euphemisms.


    Going forward – the over-25 version of “like”
    Outreach or I wanted to reach out to you
    Get a feel for
    Touch base
    Affordable or “make ends meet”
    Putting food on the table
    The powers that be (an oldie but a goodie)
    Catch a falling knife
    Holistic or comprehensive
    Speak truth to power

      1. mark p

        Pretty much anything that is deliberately and single mindedly structured for “politically correct” purposes. PC is one of the most ridiculous and cringing concepts ever. When you focus on making sure the method of message delivery minimzes the likelihood of someone bursting into tears when they read it you invariably weaken the content and point of the message as well as the constitution of the person to whom the message is directed. e.g.: “what would you do better next time”, we all know really means “where do you think you messed up during your presentation” (because – dummy – there won’t be a next time)”. We are growing a bunch of illiterate pampered softies; people who are unable to clearly communicate and especially learn to develop thick skins required for navigating their way through life. Communication requires working on the receiving end too – so let’s teach people listen, understand, comprehend and deal with what they are told. As adults.

        NOTE: Not to be confused with lack of respect for the person involved. Not being PC does not mean having no respect. Clear language works better every time.

      2. MilesDog5150

        Fair share…

    1. Tony

      here’s another- “dynamic”. thats one that loves to get thrown into work place descriptions and marketing material.

    2. mark p

      What about “process”. Everything these days is a ‘process’. I’m sure we can be more specific…

      1. mark p

        And…..”solution”. Everything is a solution now. When I was a kid, you had a problem that you found a solution for (or to). Now people are calling out of the blue to tell you of their solution even though they have no idea if you even have any problems.

  25. John

    “Have a blessed day.”
    “Thank you for your service.”

  26. Bea

    “Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” (This would be said to someone who’s just lost a loved one.)

  27. th

    It is what it is.

    I cringe everytime I hear it.

    1. djb

      Thank you! I cringe at that one too… & am very tired of it.

    2. skylar

      OMG yes. The psychopathic witch next door kept saying it.
      Then my psychopathic husband started to say it. That’s one of the ways I realized they were hanging out together. Psychopaths always copy other people. She was his minion.

    3. jewel

      my ex wore that one out. What does it even mean? Just some weird way of finalizing a conversation?

      1. skylar

        Jewel, glibness and superficial charm are #1 in the PCL-R list of psychopathic traits. Glib, means that it doesn’t mean anything. LOL!
        Psychopaths don’t understand meanings of words so they just spit out meaningless statements. It’s meant to confuse us.

  28. elinor z

    I am not sure if these qualify as platitudes, but I sure do dislike these:
    1) It is what it is.

    2) At the end of the day…

    1. Pete the gnome

      Maggie Thatcher used to say that all the time. Aaaaagh !!

    2. heinouscanis

      Isn’t “It is what it is” said so that people don’t assign retarded meanings to things that don’t need them? and “at the end of the day” is almost the same thing, since an interpretation of a situation is whatever it turns out to be -anyhow- when everyone involved has said, did, and felt their respective words, actions, and emotions about it?

  29. bc

    “Everything happens for a reason” — really, now does it?

    1. Jim

      It does happen for a reason. Not some invisible, “hopeful” reason in the future, but a very real tangible reason in the past.

  30. Erik Ratcliffe

    I hatehateHATE this one: “Fail harder.”

  31. Jim

    The one that I despise most…

    Perception is reality.

    Well, no…reality is reality. Perception can be easily manipulated.

  32. Fred

    “you can be anything that you want to be.” This is simply not true, and can make people feel like failures when they are not. How about answering this platitude with another. “A man has got to know his limitations.”

  33. Dave

    “Have a nice Day’
    – usually only delivered because it is company policy but with no real thought for the recipient what so ever.

  34. millipede

    Most hated of all time: “Don’t work hard, work smart!” Sometimes delivered as “I don’t work hard, I work smart!” for that extra annoying punch.

    No, actually, sometimes you just have to work really, really hard. This one is usually dropped right after you tell someone how exhausted you are from busting your ass all week at work and/or school, or on some colossally frustrating project or other.

    Oh, and I would definitely second “Failure is not an option.” Yeah, well, sometimes it happens anyway. And yes, “Work hard, play hard.” HATE that one! Anything that sounds like it comes from a corporate motivational video is on my hate list.

    1. Henry

      I second ‘work hard play hard’ as top my hate list.
      It evokes images of corporate yuppies and their despicable ethics and lifestyle.

    2. Aaron

      Don’t hate just b/c you’re incapable of being smart.

      1. orly

        You’re setting a fine example there dumbass.

        1. heinouscanis

          Are you jealous because you didn’t invent the thing the smart person has, to make the backbreaking work easier? You don’t win cosmic brownie points by willingly suffering.

  35. Bev Malona

    “every child a wanted child” Unrealistic pap. Many “unwanted” children became wanted and have done great things. This platitude is not only unrealistice but hurtful to many.

  36. Carolyn W

    My all-time favorite is “No good deed goes unpunished.”.

    1. Cutt Lee

      but that isnt a platitude, that is a truth

      1. Scott

        Surely some good deeds go unpunished. Hell, many good deeds go unnoticed.

  37. Joen

    “If you’re not paying for it, you’re the product being sold”.

  38. Autumn S.

    “Patience is a virtue”

  39. Kevin McFarthing

    How about:

    “I share your pain” – like hell you do…..
    “I understand your concern”
    “Nothing is impossible”
    “If you knew what I knew, you’d think the same”

    1. Mark Galik

      “Think outside the box.”

      I tell my students that anyone who uses this expression clearly can’t think outside the box. In fact, they should be taped INSIDE a box and mailed to some far-off place.

      1. Helen

        I hate ‘Think outside the box’. I refuse to be limited by boxes. There is no box.

  40. Vince

    No matter where you go, there you are!

    No matter what you do, it’s always something.

    1. Teresa

      That would mean travel wouldn’t broaden your mind.

  41. Marijke

    What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.

    1. althea scott

      Odor isn’t everything.

      Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I hate that saying too.

  42. Henry

    This one is easy, here’s what you do:

    1)Type in your browser: http://www.anylargecorporation.com or http://www.anyconsultingfirm.com

    2) Look for the “mission statement” or “what we do” section

    3) Almost any other expression in there is a platitude or some other kind of repulsive and meaningless business blabber

    4) Plentifully harvest. You are done. Mixing those at random you can now write an article for The Journal of Management Consulting, or Vanity Fair…… Or Wired Italia.

  43. Alexis

    “it wasn’t meant to be” This has been said to me after the break up of relationships. I’m hurting and associates say the afore mentioned platitude. I find it so irritating and patronising. It has also been said to me if there are jobs that I don’t get or after I have failed at something.

    “something will turn up” When I lost my job and was searching for another position. Something will turn up? So, I just sit on my behind and wait. You mean, I don’t have to send out my resume, fill out application forms and so on because something will just turn up.

  44. Bill

    How about one of my personal favs in the corp. world,”I’m sorry that’s not what you want to hear.”

    1. jack

      This will hurt me a lot more than it hurts you

      1. Alan Wallace

        My father used to whip out that despicable little bit of blather just before he covered my back with welts.
        I always wanted to say, “Well, let’s switch places and find out.”

        1. Elise

          Alan, I’m so sorry that happened to you.

  45. RosieJ

    It’s for your own good. Whose good, mine our their’s?
    God only takes the good ones. I guess if I’m still alive, I must be “not good”, or evil?
    Platitudes are just a cover-up for events that happen when no other explanations come to mind… Good things do not come to those who wait. Time does not heal all wounds. All things are not meant to be, and my favorite, Everything does not Happen for a Reason! Sometimes, things happen for No Reason at All! No other-worldly explanations are responsible for our every-day experiences. “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”, and no rational explanation can explain it!!

    1. Slimjim

      Your right….things like you posting on here happend for no reason….or wait.. there was a reason…..wasn’t there! LOL

  46. Doug Gapinski

    “The customer is always right.”
    Simply not true.

    “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.”
    Implies that unfavorable circumstances are meant to be accepted.

    1. Dick

      So true…the customer is often a complete asshole.

      1. Esther

        I laughed so loud at this! Made my day shine about 2 watts brighter.

    2. Mary

      Implies that if you are not happy, or complaining about something, either do something about it, or leave. If you CHOOSE to stay, then yes, learn to accept it. If you can’t stand the heat, then go someplace where there is no heat!

    3. JB

      Thankyou! Sometimes the customer flipping idiot!

  47. BobA

    When I worked in construction we had a few for when we got to the point where it wasn’t perfect but good enough.

    “Can’t see it from my house.”

    “Won’t see it when it’s snowing on Christmas eve.”

    “This isn’t a church.”
    Of course this last one couldn’t be used when we were working on a church.

  48. Emmanuel Lopez

    I see many, MANY idiots here.

    1. olu

      Thought I was the only one ! Like they never used/use a platitude…. am sure they always speak from the heart with their own original phrases.

      1. Haji

        hold on a second. the people putting up comments are idiots but the idiots commenting on the idiots comments are what?

      2. MGTOW TMAR

        “Speak from the Heart…” You speak from your mouth, not your heart! HAHAHHAHAH…now who’s the idiot ya bish?

  49. Steven Huff

    “No matter where you’re going, the road you’re on will get you there.”

  50. Susie Moo

    Had a boss once – use to say – “You can’t change the tires on a bus as it’s going downhill!” WTF?

  51. Marcos Antonio

    “I will pray for you.”

  52. Scott

    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results”

    1. heinouscanis

      yes, because practice is doing the same thing and wanting the same result.

  53. Jeff

    If I hear this one more time I will stop listening to all sports program. “No question about it.” Oh, and “if I hear this one more time…”

  54. Scott

    Winston Churchill: “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm”

  55. Cynthia

    Don’t sweat it.
    Clear as day.
    In a nutshell.
    You can’t make this stuff up.

  56. Ross

    Most of these are cliches. A platitude has to have a superficially profound feel to it. My favorite, for today, is “With great power comes great responsibility”.

    1. Helen

      “With great power comes great responsibility”.
      This one is ancient. I believe it derives from ‘Noblesse oblige’.
      Noblesse oblige is a French phrase literally meaning “nobility obliges”.
      “Noblesse oblige” is generally used to imply that with wealth, power, and prestige come responsibilities. In American English especially, the term is sometimes applied more broadly to suggest a general obligation for the more fortunate to help the less fortunate.

      1. Yo

        What some called noblesse oblige, others called racism.

        In any case, what is it about our world that remotely even suggests that the haves actually give a crap about the have nots?

      2. Mzurel

        I’m pretty sure Uncle Ben said this in Spider-Man

      3. Mzurel

        I’m pretty sure Uncle Ben said this in Spider-Man

      4. Mzurel

        I’m pretty sure Uncle Ben said this in Spider-Man

  57. Robin

    Life is unfair.
    At least it’s Friday.

  58. Earth Energy Reader

    “Let it go”

    “Forgive and forget”

    “Get on with your life”

    As if it were that easy sometimes…

  59. Jay Bergle

    “God must have some other plan for you.” PUKE

  60. John

    Life is like a box of chocolates.

  61. Coy

    We will move heaven and earth.

  62. Sue

    ‘You should feel lucky that…(whatever life altering crisis you are undergoing)’

    ‘What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger’

  63. nora

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
    It takes two to tango.
    You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.
    Life has it’s ups and downs.
    The grass is always greener on the other side.
    If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

  64. Yo

    “Just think about how much worse other people have it.”

    Also known as the “what about the starving kids with leprosy” platitude. Has been said to survivors of abuse with mental health problems. And not just some idiot who broke a finger nail.

    Yes, other people have other kinds of unimaginably enormous suck to deal with. But we’re not other people. And X still sucks, so saying this is basically calling the aggrieved person a privileged jerk and being dismissive of the seriousness of their dilemma, grinding their self worth and needs to dust.

    So either help them, help the starving kids with leprosy, help both, or shut up and shove off.

  65. Donna

    I think platitudes are used when we don’t know what to say in a difficult situation and can’t think creatively about saying something unique to that specific person. How many times have we said about someone with a cancer or other terminal illness that ‘they are so brave’. Have you ever met at person with cancer that you did not feel was being brave? Even if they were crying and screaming and freaking out that they are so scared? Of course not , so if it is impossible to be ‘not brave’ in this situation why is that the main thing that people say again and again. That to me is a true platitute, it sounds very poignant on the surface but it is really empty of any true meaning when you break it down.

  66. Edwin

    “Death is only the beginning”. Religious people always say that as if its true, uh no, its not the beginning; its the end LOL.



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