Pmclinic: Getting started with direct reports

Last week in the pm-clinic discussion forum: Topic #33 – Getting started in leading teams.

This week: Transitioning into managing others.

I am a project manager (PM) who is just starting to have direct reports. I’ve had enough bad managers throughout my career that for a long time I told myself I never would want to be a manager myself. Luckily, now I have a good manager, and I am being encouraged to take a broader leadership role on the team, including managing others directly. This is great, but I still feel that I have a lot to learn about delegating effectively and how to be a good manager to others in general. Any guidance or insight, or advice on avoiding traps on this transition would be most helpful!

One Response to “Pmclinic: Getting started with direct reports”

  1. Rob Walling

    Start by attempting to model yourself after your good manager. It’s reassuring to hear that you’ve had at least one good manager so that you can see the principles in action. Reading management books helps, but it’s an entirely different ballgame once you step onto the field.

    After a while, as you cultivate your own management style, you will begin to put your own twist on it, but for now ask youself “What would [good manager] do in this situtation?”



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