Embarassing web tales: part 1

No CS degree can hold up against the dark powers of an aging mind and the ocassional typo.

The contact form on my main site, normally a reliable way to contact me about speaking gigs, interviews or feedback on stuff I’ve written, has quietly been sending all of it’s little missives into never never land. Instead of forwarding to @scott…, it was forwarding to @scptt…, which is about as good as dev / null or the nearest black hole.

Now I’m sure someone out there has the unfortunate circumstance of their parents naming them Scptt, but I dodged that particular bullet.

So if you’ve been wondering why I’m such a jerk for not answering your questions or responding about speaking at your conference, company or backyard BBQ, now you know why. Apologies all around. Please try again and all will be well.

(Hanging head in shame)

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