This week in pm-clinic: Keeping top talent

This week in the pm-clinic discussion forum:

For about 16 months my big problem. in forming a new team, was finding top talent – but now that I’ve nailed that goal, I have an unexpectedly annoying problem: keeping top talent. The surprising downside to having rock star people is that they know they can easily find jobs elsewhere, and they demand more from me in terms of assignments and the challenge level of their projects than most of the people I’ve managed before.

I’m starting to think I’m overstaffed – my team has more talent than I really need for the kinds of projects we’re going to have over the next year.

Should I:

  • a)  Stop complaining. This is a good problem to have. I should do whatever it takes to hold on to as many talented people as possible, regardless of the circumstances.
  • b) Call the talent’s bluff and let them leave. I’ve over-hired, and if folks feel they can do better I should let them go, working towards a balanced pool of talent to match the more balanced work I have.
  • c) Fight for bigger projects based on the talent level I have.
  • d) ?

Signed, – Trying to keep top talent

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