This week in UXClinic: Finding UX a home

This week in the UX-clinic discussion forum: Topic #3 – Finding UX a home:

In my previous job, the territory of UI/UX Design was hotly contested.

Early on design came from moderately talented folks in Engineering (full disclosure, me). After growth, design moved to the Marketing Dept with the rationale “UI equals branding”. The subsequent redesign was torture for engineering — not a square edge to be seen; low-contrast gradients, etc. In the aftermath, Product Management demanded UI/UX prototyping rights for new features and added user-testing, relegating Marketing’s role to “adding style” just before production.

But after agreeing to that role, Marketing still provided mockups of new features to Exec meetings, the board and clients — all before PM assignment/involvement. Execs usually preferred the first designs they saw. Engineering abandoned their front-end developers to fall under Product Management rather than get involved as a third claim on UX.

It is obvious the Execs need to make a decision about where design truly lies. But in lieu of a decision, where is a good balance? Has anyone seen companies work themselves out of this quicksand? What kind of job role or training could help get the depts on the same page? Where does UI or UX intermix with branding?


– Still Irritable About That Job

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