Six reasons why I haven’t posted in a month

  1. Was in Ukraine all last week, birthplace of my great-grandfather, to teach at SpiderProject’s PM Week and to see Kiev, where an alternative version of me might have been born had my great grandfather not come to NYC.
  2. Got sick on the way home and am still sick now.
  3. I leave for Sydney, Australia in 48 hours (health permitting) to speak at Web Directions ’07, but mostly to get some vacation in one of my favorite places in the world.
  4. I’m exhausted from months of book promotion. I’ve lost all motivation to talk to anyone about myself, my books, my opinions, my anything. However big my ego was, it’s the size of a dime today.
  5. After four years of being independent, I need some time to recharge and plan out the next four years. I’m about as passionate as a pile of rocks – so it’s time to follow my own advice, chill out, have fun and reflect.
  6. I have speaking engagements galore for the next few weeks, which I will kick ass at, but that’s going to take most of the energy left in my tank.

So for the next few weeks things might be quiet here – but they might not. I have piles of ideas and books to come, but I need some time focusing on things other than work to get my A game back together. Please stay tuned :)

8 Responses to “Six reasons why I haven’t posted in a month”

  1. Juggling Frogs

    I hope you feel better both physically and mentally after the break.

    I found this post refreshing in its absence of promises, apologies, or announcements of guest posters.

    Your blog is in our feed readers, so we’ll all be here when you’re ready to post again.

  2. Florian


    I know how you feel. I’m currently undergoing a phase of applying to several companies and I tell you what – I am sick and tired of telling people what I did, how great I am and what I want to do in the future. Sometimes, I would like to tell them as well how stupid I find their interviews, interview schedules, emails and everything. Plus everything about me that they probably don’t want to hear about.

    So good luck on the speeches and even more on the recharging!
    Take a few days off. I certainly will when this is over.


  3. Nikolay


    Hope this is not Ukraine and gorilka got you in such a condition?

    Looking forwards to your getting back

  4. Leila Boujnane

    Well it is about time. I mean seriously man we were getting tired of hearing ’bout you, your book, your sales, your advice. I mean come ‘on. It is just a book! Just kidding! Love your blog. Keep on trucking and hey have some damn fun for a change – don’t write anything and I mean it.

    Come to Canada!

    Safe travels!


  5. Karna Vishwas


    I really enjoyed “The Myths of Innovation”. I have been promoting your website and books shamelessly at work and with people who are interested in PM. Do you plan on taking a trip to India anytime soon?

    I would like to see more videos and podcasts of your talks on this website.


  6. Larry W Jordan Jr

    Hang in there Scott. You are really good at what you do, so call it on your own terms.

  7. Serdar Kilic

    Hi Scott,
    Thanks for coming out to Web Directions, your talk was a blast. Had no idea that you were feeling off, so thanks again for making (the very long) trip to Sydney!


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