Wednesday linkfest

Continuing my trend of linking to good stuff I’m reading once a week, here’s this week’s linkfest. Love it? Say so and I’ll do it more often. Hate it? Same deal, and I’ll cut it out.

Wednesday linkfest:

  • Top 10 everything for 2007. Lists for everything. Really.
  • Top 4 depression hacks. Common sense, but good for your local antidepressant taking friend or family member.
  • Inshalla – having respect for time. If you dig how foriegn languages can encapsulate big ideas in ways English can’t, you’ll like this essay.
  • Indexed – I love index cards. Really. And I love strange diagrams. If you like both, like me, go here: Paradoxes and odd, often darkly funny, diagrams, one per index card.

5 Responses to “Wednesday linkfest”

  1. Martin J. Steer

    Yes, please! Once a week is probably enough though, I would not want it instead of your normal entries.

  2. Lis

    Liking the linkfest. Really like the top 10 everything… you never know what you’re gonna find there!

  3. Steve Myers

    Nice! Keep it going…especially the index cards. Once a month maybe.

    Just found your site and have been quite taken by your perspectives regarding creativity, design, and project management, the triune structure.

    Does this count for your book lottery?



  4. Ian

    Yeah, keep it up. Good quality links always welcome.

  5. Jeff Nelsen

    Yes, please keep these coming Scott. I especially liked the indexed blog. Great stuff. Thanks!


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