Enjoying the week of quiet (Xmas to New Years)

If you’ve taken my advice (See vacation strategy) you should be enjoying a nice short week at work without any annoying people getting in your way.

Back in the day when I had a real office job this was my favorite week. I’d plow through all the stuff I hadn’t managed to get to for weeks, clean out my inbox and send those half-written emails. I remember many enjoyable days with few or no meetings, quiet hallways, followed by a week or two of feeling ahead of the curve in the new year.

If you’re looking for tips on other ways to use a quiet week, check these out:

One Response to “Enjoying the week of quiet (Xmas to New Years)”

  1. Neil C. Obremski

    Delete is my new best friend. Happy Old Year, Scott! Any resolutions … is that a post you’re working on?


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