Thursday linkfest Posted on August 28, 2008 in linkfestby Scott Berkun How buildings learn, the movie. Based on one of my favorite books, a six part BBC series on google video explores the themes from the books with tons of real world examples (How did I not find this before!). How design can save democracy. A short summary of efforts to prevent the mistakes of the 2000 election, with an interactive walkthrough. Amazing bridges you’ve never seen. I’m crazy about bridges, and have written about at least one great bridge before, but most of these blew my mind and I’d never seen ’em before. Want more you say? Try here and here. Ten politically incorrect truths about human nature. Still chewing on the reasoning behind some of these, and disappointed by the lack of any references (except this poorly reviewed book), but interesting and refreshingly provocative none the less.
mpg August 28, 2008 at 9:03 am. Permalink. “How buildings learn” doesn’t appear to be available via netflix — bummer. Reply
Scott August 28, 2008 at 10:17 am. Permalink. Yeah – I checked. I’d rather movie length stuff on my TV than online, but it’s better than nothing. Reply
“How buildings learn” doesn’t appear to be available via netflix — bummer.
Yeah – I checked. I’d rather movie length stuff on my TV than online, but it’s better than nothing.