Wednesday Linkfest

Here’s a gaggle of links for this week:

12 Responses to “Wednesday Linkfest”

  1. Steven

    Lending books to each other and going to the library is bad? I think the model must be broken if it can’t support that. The site is down so I can’t read it.

    I bought Making Things Happen, but I’d feel no guilt about lending it to someone. It would probably end up getting another copy sold some way or another.

    Digital copies… that’s a whole other story.

  2. Scott Berkun

    Hi Steven:

    I’d never ever ever suggest there is anything wrong with libraries and lending books. I use libraries and borrow books very often myself.

    My only narrow point is that if you a) wonder why authors don’t make much money, and b) you typically do not pay anything for the books you read, you should connect those two dots as they are related.

  3. Scott Berkun

    To make the point another way:

    When I borrow a book, and it turns out I enjoy it, I wish there was some donation box somewhere I couldn’t donate money to in return for the quality of the experience I had, for free.

    In approximation, I have bought copies of books I loved, after reading them first in the library, and given them to people.

    I deeply feel there’s something broken if I enjoy something someone else spent a long time making and do nothing in return. Either in terms of cash. Writing a review. Recommending it to friends. Giving copies to people. Something to reward the creation of things I like or that had an impact on me.

    That’s really the spirit of the a vs. b gap above.

  4. Joson

    Now, another heart breaker. If the book is in the used-book market there could be lot of $ transactions with the author getting money only from the first buyer.

  5. Scott Berkun

    Joson: yeah. I’m not sure heartbreaker is the right word, as the whole world spins on selling used things where no money gets back to the dudes who made the thing.

    But it is just something I think about as a writer. If there was a donation jar to put 50 cents in if I read a used book I enjoyed, I’d pay it.

    At least that 50 cents would go straight to the author, whereas buying a book through a store, and through a publisher, sees most of what you plunk down go to those necessary middlemen.

  6. Steven

    Scott: I understand your point now. Now that I can read the article, he gets 64 cents per book, the donation jar makes a lot of sense since you’d probably save a lot more than that getting a used copy.

  7. Tisha

    Re: “Your business card is crap” What are your recommendations for business cards? Obviously we can’t all afford $4 per card, die-cut, etc., etc. This guy seemed pretty full of himself.

  8. Scott Berkun

    I don’t use business cards. I’ve found they’re unnecessary. My URL is my name and as long as people remember that they’re good.

    Also the books make better giveaways to people, and worst case they can usually remember the name of one of the books.

    That said I think the best way to go if you do think you need them is:

    – Simple
    – not cheap (get expensive stock, it’s really not that expensive)
    – Don’t go for distinctive or original unless you are a designer

    Really all a card does is serve to remind people of whatever conversation you had with them and give them an easy way to follow up with you. That’s all it needs to do.

  9. Tisha

    LOL if I ever write a book, I’ll be sure to keep some on hand for giveaways; thanks for the input. Also, just finished Making Things Happen, I am planning to go through it again with a highlighter, tons of great info in there! Myths of Innovation was also a great read.

  10. Gordon

    Love the business card guy! “I build crowds — guaranteed! What do YOU do guaranteed?” Love it! I’m going to use that!


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