Thanks for helping spread Mindfire (the report in numbers)
Thanks to everyone who spread the word about the free download of my book Mindfire.
As of this moment the free download is up, but I’ll be shutting it down shortly.
In case you are curious here are the resulting numbers:
- It was free for 100 hours instead of the promised 48 (but 70% of downloads were in first 3 days)
- 11500 people downloaded a copy of the book
- About 2000 downloaded the book, but immediately unsubscribed (10% of total) or put in a bogus email address (about 7%)
- Roughly 40% PDF, 30% Mobi, 30% Epub
- 1887 verified tweets, 1181 Facebook shares
It was a great success, especially for a book that has been out for a year.
I’m grateful for your support and I’ll get back to work on the next book.