Back my next book on Kickstarter today
This morning I launched the kickstarter campaign for my next book, The Ghost of My Father. I’ve written several posts about the book over the last few weeks, and if you’re interested in the book now is your chance to be a part of it.
There are plenty of great rewards – if you’re a fan of my other books I think you’ll dig them, but of course the coolest ones are in limited quantities. Take a look now and I hope you’ll help me with my next project. Thanks.
It looks like you reached your funding goal quite fast :-). Congratulations.
Please think about increasing the number limit for the 15$ and 35$-pledges. I was pretty happy to still get one of those (for me it’s the perfect option – I just want to read the book and this is a good way to get it and support your work). Then again, realizing there are only a few pledges left made me directly hit the “back this project” button instead of postphoning it to whenever I have some time left…
Greetings, Daniel