The creative life of a two hit wonder
There’s a great essay by Suzanne Vega on her perspective on having both a twenty year performing career and “only” two top 40 hits (“Luka” and “Tom’s Diner”).
There’s a slew of great posts on the creative process for songwriters at NYT’s Measure for measure. (Hat tip metafilter)
Scott, after reading “myths of innovation” i was charged, and fired with enthusiasm. Those books i keep preciously and dearly. Anyways, forget the love and admiration i have for your work and presentations.
How do i free myself, kill my inhibitions and break away from any kind of mental consciousness i keep facing everytime i want to do something really badly. I’m simply afraid, man. Afraid, i might hurt somebody or offend someone who i care for, might come across as selfish. Your talks are fun and excting and an adventure in itself. Now, please help me in figuring out a way to just free myself from my other self. The lamb leads the lion in me so to speak. How do i reverse that relationship? I eagerly await your reply. Thanks so much man. Your the Man!