How great writers work

Nice little compilation article on 25 famous writers and their daily work rituals.

7 Responses to “How great writers work”

  1. Morten Hjerde

    Well, I believe it was Mark Twain who offered this advice to writers: “Write drunk, edit sober”.

    M :-)

  2. Chris Mahan

    Interesting. On that note, I’m going to go get a cold beer from the refrigerator.

  3. Chris Mahan

    Henry Weinhard’s Private Reserve. A gift from Saeko Dickingson.


    What if I’m writing computer code? Better not commit to production until tommorrow!

  4. Dwayne Phillips

    Common among the writers is that they wrote everyday. It is as simple and as difficult as it sounds.

  5. Phil Simon

    Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working.

    – Pablo Picasso

  6. Joel D Canfield

    I’ve always felt that, if what you’re doing never feels like it takes effort, you’re not stretching very much.

    Writing comes easy to me, so I go out of my way to stretch and make it a challenge. I just try to make it a productive challenge, growing intentionally and not just making it harder for the fun of harder. (Harder isn’t fun, but easy isn’t always better either.)

  7. Katy

    I always liked the quote from Bridget Jones’ Diary (“I read in an article that Kathleen Tynan, late wife of the late Kenneth, had inner poise and, when writing, was to be found immaculately dressed, sitting at a small table in the center of the room sipping at a glass of chilled white wine”). Seems like Kingsley Amis is not the only one fortifying himself…


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