A year in the life of a book: a summary

My first book was published almost a year ago – While no one can predict book sales, that hasn’t stopped people, especially writers, from trying.

Below you’ll find a year’s worth of amazon.com sales data for The art of project management (provided by rankforest.com) with notes on my activities (This starts 4 weeks after the book was in stores because I didn’t know about rankforest until then). There are problems with amazon rankings, but they’re an easy indicator to track.

Here is the promotion rundown from 5/1/2005 to today:

Who knows if these efforts help – plenty of books do well without things like this, and many with big promotion budgets do poorly. It’s complex and a topic for another post.

However it happened, the book has been a big success. Thanks to all of you for visiting, reading, buying and spreading the word about the book. Every sale motivates me to work that much harder and write that much more.

The pairing of writing books and being for hire as a trainer/consultant feeds off each other: people who like the book often hire me and people who hire me often buy the book. So for any would-be writers out there, this is a great approach for a first book.

I’m doing well and have signed to write a second book for O’Reilly – I’m on track to put another dent in that shelf.

For fun, comparative data is listed for Malcom Gladwell’s book “Blink”. Not sure what happened to him on 10/16, but it looks like he survived his largest rank-drop: from the teens down to 57.


Pms vs. Programmers (This week in pmclinic)

This week in the pm-clinic discussion forum– PMs vs. Programmers:

Welcome to April (If you’re in the USA, time to get your taxes done).

Here’s this week’s situation: The raging debate in my corner of the world is PMs vs. programmers. Our management just agreed to hire another two PMs for our organization, instead of hiring another two programmers.

Most of us (the other programmers) think it’s a mistake: our biggest needs are team bandwidth and productivity, not planning, client management or crisis management. We’re afraid of the ratio of PM to programmers spiraling us down into unproductive misery. Most of the PMs around here are non-technical and can’t help much in technical decision making.

Two part question:

  1. How do you know the right ratio of PMs to programmers for a team?
  2. What level of technical skill should PMs have? CS degree? former programmer? C++ for dummies? Or none at all?

This week in ux-clinic: Being the UX hero

This week in the ux-clinic discussion forum– Being the UX hero:

Our group is in the process of launching a new version of our external website, but the solo developer left before it was finished. He claims it’s 90% done. No UX priniciples were used up to this point (we were busy on actual products). None of us have time to take it over, but we have a budget to bring in someone else.

I have two fears / opportunities:

1) There’s an opportunity to teach my org a few things about how UX should be done. If we bring someone in, will they be seen as the heroic talent, saving the day, and not my UX team?

2) If the day is saved, by us or by a contractor, I don’ t want the wrong lesson to be learned. I want to make sure that everyone understands this is not the right way to go about designing things (apply design magic dust in the last stretch). So how do I get design involved without teaching management and the org the wrong lesson?

– Being the UX hero

The GEL Conference (May 4/5) – Why you should go

Gel 2006 The early registration deadline for GEL 2006 ends next week, so it’s a good time to make a pitch for why you should go.

Good Experience live is the only conference I’ve been to that is self-reflective: many of the principles of design and good user experience espoused during the day can be found in the way the conference itself is run. Day one of the conference is out in the field, spending time with experts in their domain: an inside tour of the experience design of NYC landmarks like Natural history museum, MoMa and the Hall of Science. Participate in an improv experiment on the midtown streets or a learn how to apply tmusic techniques to your work. There’s also a food experience tour of my home burrough of Queens, NYC.

Day 2 are talks from Craig Newmark (Craigslist), Jason Fried (37 Signals), Seth Godin, Douglas Rushkoff, Photographers, Urban pranksters, Game designers and other interesting perspectives on making great things for people. There’s no formalized boundries here – instead you get great cross-discipline stimulation that will stay with you long after you leave.

The conference rates are still discounted Before April 5th, it’$1200 for both days, and $1500 afterwards. (Price was $900 before December 1st, but that’s behind us now).

I’ll be running a Day one tour on NYC’s sacred places. We’ll be walking around the city and exploring magical and special places, discussing how they were designed to have the effects they have. You can sign up for this or other Day 1 tours when you register.

Hope to see you there.

The Vista saga: an opinion

The announcement of the Vista delays has sparked a new round of debates about what’s going on at Microsoft. The mailbox has been full of questions for me on the subject – so here’s some insights from a former employee (’94-2003) and manager in the Windows division.

For sanity – I’m an independent and this is not an apology, rant nor inside scoup. Instead it’s commentary from a management author on what’s been said and what’s going on.

  • Centralized authority and MSFT culture. The most comical misperception about Microsoft is the management style – everyone think’s it’s a rigid hierarchy, when it’s mostly a consensus driven place. Everyone gets an opinion and senior managers are often more skilled at consensus management than leading teams. If there’s any one thing I’d point to for large failing projects is lack of successful central authority – With a project in trouble I’d move to centralize power in a smaller number of people and free them to run with the ball. The rub is that the culture doesn’t support this well – people still want a consensus mentality (something born of small team and start-up culture), they want to own their slice, even when it’s contributing to driving projects into the ground (or at least mediocrity). It’s in the fiber of the company and it’s hard to change.
  • Talk is cheap. Every time I read rants about gutting Windows, firing all the VPs or making Windows open source I have one comment: I don’t believe you’d do it if it were your job to manage Windows. As easy as it is to yell orders from off the boat, I doubt most people, if given the helm, would put an $8 billion machine at risk. Certainly not now, as it would mean another 2 years of development. Besides, no one wants to be the one that tanked one of the greatest franchises in technological history (regardless of how that franchise was built). Even if big, bold moves are in order – I doubt most of us would have the guts to take those risks if we were personally accountable for the results. It’s a classic innovator’s dilemma situation. A better gripe is how the franchise hasn’t been managed on a steady progressive course, given how many possibilites there are for making things better without taking radical moves.
  • It’s never just one thing. It’s fun and convenient to chalk up project problems to one issue. “The VPs are idiots – fire them all!” or “they were too ambitous” but there’s rarely one reason (Nothing drives faith in the easy answer more than frustration). Most of the time there are several factors that conspire together, especially if it’s a large project with large goals. There are often successful sub-teams working inside most large, problematic projects (And some are speaking out over at mini-microsoft). As a consultant, understanding (and fixing) projects involves finding the factors and accouting for them without tanking the parts that work well. There’s rarely a single move that saves the day and any problem that took months to develop is not going to be solved in a hour.
  • A slip is infinitely better than a panned product. With a slip, even 6 months, people will cry and scream but the world will not end. However, with a bad release, like Windows 98ME, Bob or Netscape 5, the world just might fall on you. So while a series of slips shouldn’t inspire confidence, it does mean there is a sane person somwhere in the organization with their hands at the controls. The Vista news has been mostly negative, and no competitor has tried to capitalize on it, meaning a slip has little competitive risk.
  • However, the door is open for competitors . The bad Vista PR over the last year has made a window – Linux, Firefox and Red Hat should be doing something: a viral ad, a marketing campaign, anything. But they’ve been awfully quiet and I don’t understand why. I think this is the more interesting story than what’s going on in Redmond. The MSFT Windows multi-slip ship cycle is an old (perhaps sad) story, but the silence on the battlefront deserves more attention.
  • Microsoft’s PR and public management of the Vista project has been reactive and weak. I’ve never thought PR and marketing were well directed by executives (well funded, yes, but well managed or empowered, no). Many announcements and launches were messaged in the blandest, most generic ways possible (Win95 and X-box the most notable exceptions). Microsoft is inherently a conservative company (in strategy not tactics) and its always shown in its advertisements and approach to PR. For all the stereotyping of Microsoft as a great marketing company, I never saw it: Nike, Intel and Apple are all dramatically better and amplify the value of their product lines. Vista’s failures to date are more dramatic from a PR and messaging perspective than anything else. They’ve failed to articluate a value proposition (even if invented), and to bring a positive meme around the release to match or compensate for the litany of negative announcements and setbacks. The greatest failure of the project to date isn’t technological or managerial – it’s PR and messaging. A private train wreck is one thing, a public one is another.
  • Windows is a bear. Much of the franchise has been based on backward compatibility and some things that should be improved in the abstract can hurt the product line – it’s a trap any successful platform faces eventually (Just look at HTML or javascript). People write code to your bugs or inconsistencies, and when you come back to fix them you realize you’ll do more damage to them than good – a quality inversion. I don’t justify how the product got where it is – but here it is. Deciding what to do in any direction is strategically and technically complicated – this shouldn’t mute the complaints of unhappy customers, but it should be noted by anyone confident they can do a better job. Quality inversions surface in any project successful enough to see a version 5, or in Window’s case, version 8 (Win 1-3, Win95, Win 98, Win 2000, Win XP, Vista).
  • Sinofsky is an inspired move. The MSFT culture, historically, is heavily polarized between Windows and Office. In my day Windows were the smart-ass cowboys who liked risks and breaking rules – not surprisingly Windows had a history of confused early projects that came together only on the home stretch. Office (again, in my day) were stereotypically smart, reliable, consistent A students, who won through plans more than passion. Sinofsky (formerly the Senior VP of Office, now VP of Windows) is the first major attempt I know of to bridge those philosophical and management differences: there’s something to be learned in both directions.

Surviving the blue sky project (This week in ux-clinic)

This week in the ux-clinic discussion forum– Lost in the tag cloud:

Here’s this week’s situation:

We finally got buy in to fund a future thinking blue sky design exploration for future releases of our software and websites. Problem is: we can’t decide if we should have internal designers do the work, or hire out a fancy firm. The debate is raging and I’m on the fence (and it’s my call & budget).

What’s the best way to do the following:
1) Manage an intentionally future thinking design project with few constraints
2) Decide on internal vs. out-source staff
3) Deliver something that doesn’t seem like a waste of time.

– Captain blue sky

Quality is job #15 (This week in pm-clinic)

This week in the pm-clinic discussion forum– Quality is job #15:

Here’s this week’s situation:

We just shipped v2 of our project – but few are cheering. To meet our dates we dropped quality on the floor (reliability, usability… you name it) and everyone knows it. There’s already talk about what commitments we have for v3, but no one has articulated what we’re going to do about raising the quality bar.

How do you (successfully) argue for time for higher quality? Has anyone worked on a project where quality was really job #1? How did it happen? Who defined (and defended) quality?

– Quality is job #1

Essay: Attention and sex

At e-tech 2006 the theme was the attention economy – but the conversation was mostly technocentric despite attention being a 100% human resource.

In this essay I discuss a view of attention that’s centered on people – attention is the most precious thing we have and I explore why we’ve lost control of it, how to get some control back and the role of desire and intimacy in how we spend our time.

Essay #51 – Attention and sex.

In Toronto this week – Fri/Sat

In the short notice visit department – I’ll be in Tornto end of this week speaking at the CBC (private event). Had I gotten my act together perhaps I could have found a place to speak, but that’s unlikely at this point.

However, if any locals want to meet up and chat I’m game. I’m free Saturday for lunch or coffee and possibly Friday night.

Any Toronto site-seeing recommendations? I’m a city boy so I plan to do lots of walking, photographing and eating :)

This week in ux-clinic: Lost in the tag cloud

This week in the ux-clinic discussion forum– Lost in the tag cloud:

I do both design and usability for a midsize start-up (30 people) in the newsreader space.

We’re vulnerable (at least our VP is) to UI trends – as soon as our competitors do something, he’s running around telling everyone we have to do the same thing.

Last week, one of our competitors switched to a tag, and tag cloud UI for their website, and as the night follows day, our VP is now pushing us to redesign with a tag, and tag cloud model.

I have my own opinions, but I can’t find any ux research on tags and tag clouds – what problem do they solve? When should you use them and when are they a mistake? Should they really be the primary way to get around a website? I’m looking for both opinions and data to help me sort out my stance, but also to add some thinking to our trend-happy debates.

– Lost in the tag cloud

Reference: A screen shot and some examples can be found here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud

This week in pm-clinic: Plan for the plan

This week in the pm-clinic discussion forum– Plan for the plan:

I work at a near v1 release start-up – we’re mostly industry vets who’ve worked together before, but we’re growing fast (7 new hires in the last month – 20% of our staff).

Some of us feel we need to write down something about how we do what we do – style guide for code, an outline for how feature decisions get made, you know – high level process stuff. It can be short and sweet, but we need a reference point.

Others feel it’s a waste of time, it never helps, and we should just be figuring it out as we go. No need to be all goody-too-shoes and orderly: we’re smart enough, as a small org, to work tight without documenting foofy things like processes.

How do you know when you need a plan for the plan? Who should write it? And how do you do it, especially for small anti-process teams, so that it’s beneficial in some way?

– Considering a plan for the plan

ArtofPM wins Jolt Productivty award

We didn’t take the cake, but we got a nice runner up prize.

Jolt Winner: Prefactoring by Ken Pugh (O’Reilly)

Productivity Winners:

Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy by Goldman, Gabriel
Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project by Fogel (O’Reilly)
The Art of Project Management by Scott Berkun (O’Reilly)

Here’s the full list of award winners . Quite the day for the O’Reilly folks.

As happy as us productivity (aka runner-up) award winners are, we all have to shake our heads on two counts: how did a book on prefactoring not get put in the technical category? And how did it kick the ass of five books on bigger and broader topics? Kudos to Ken Pugh – he’s got a Seabiscut of a book :) Kicked our butts.

Ask berkun and forums are back

Forums are gone forever. Sorry.

For the last 3 months i’ve had various problems with my phpbb installation, the software used to run the forums/discussions on this site -spam, hacks, config issues, upgrade problems, etc. But I’ve sorted things out – and the forums are back up.

Forums are here.

Good news: it doesn’t explode when you look at it funny.
Bad news: To post questions or replies, you have to log in.

To dodge evil waves of spam, registration has to happen. Sorry – no other way. I’ve looked for replacements to phpbb, but all the forum packages seem the same to me (or have similiar shortcomings).

If you want to post a question to Ask berkun, but don’t want to log in, just go to the painless anonymous comments form.

It still looks like it’s been hit by an ugly stick (as does this generic blog template) – but that’s next.

The Boss That’s Never There

In every office, in every building, there’s a manager who’s never there. They’re always double booked for meetings, running from “important thing” to “even more important thing” – and on the rare occasion you see them in the flesh they have a phone to their ear and a line of people waiting outside their door. They’re so hard to get to, sometimes people squeeze their way in for chats on the boss’s way the bathroom, the conference room, or their car.

When I was young I thought the uber-busy manager was a god – If they’re so busy, doesn’t that mean they’re very important? I used to think so, but not anymore. Everyone goes through a phase early in their career where they’re proud of hard work. Circles of young professionals regularly debate with friends over drinks,  who has put in crazier hours – “I worked 60 hours last week”, “60? I worked 60 hours in 3 days.” “3 days? I worked 70 hours this morning, before breakfast.” And on it goes. It’s usually dumb pride to focus on the size of things, rather that their quality or, god forbid, finding actual fulfillment in life. To work 70 hours is a statement of work, not of progress. For every idiot working 70 hours there’s a smarter, wiser person who’s doing the same amount of work in 45 because he’s paying more attention to results than the clock. I’d rather be, and rather hire, that employee.

It might take years for the realization to happen, but soon, in every circle of friends, one will ask “Why I am spending 70 hours a week at work when I want a girlfriend, a dog, and maybe even a life?” The ever-busy manager is the one person who never fully asks that question. They’re stuck in the obsession of volume, preferring being busy to being just about anything else. Busy can be a very safe place for a person to hide. Being busy gives a safe excuse for not being accountable to the people who need you the most. Being busy is a failure to prioritize. To call everything important means in reality that nothing is important. It’s likely some people will see you as busy because they are unimportant, but if the people most important to you find you busy, the problem is yours, not theirs.

A good manager discovers that if they are unavailable to the people who work for them, their true value is limited. Most of the literal work that gets done in any organization, whether it’s writing, engineering or selling, can be best done by others who do those tasks all day. It’s making strategy decisions, giving advice, putting out dangerous fires, and paving the way for the team through organization politics that are the tasks only the “the boss” can do best. A manager that’s never there is often also micromanager, as they don’t understand what management is for in the first place.

I had a manager once who insisted on reading his e-mail and typing responses through our 1-on-1s. He’d pretend to give me focus by typing without looking at his screen, but I never saw his soul in his eyes – instead I knew most of his true attention went out into the emails and not towards me. I soon found myself cutting our 1-on-1s as short as possible (and using the time to work on finding another job and a better manager).

Anyone powerful should recognize if they don’t have time for important things then it’s their responsibility to delegate tasks away until they do. So reconsider who you give respect to: the manager that’s never there, or the one that’s always there when you need them.



[revised lightly 12-8-15]

Scolidays – 2006 (Custom holidays)

A few weeks ago I mentioned I’ve taken the egotistical but interesting step of creating my own holidays: called Scolidays. Forgot to post the 2006 calendar mostly because, well, I hadn’t finished making it. A fact that has led to an additional day called “procrastinators lamentation day”.

Scolidays 2006

  • 1/29 – Letter writing day. Pick 5 people you have something you want to say to and write them letters. Could be a friend you haven’t spoken to in too long, a family member you haven’t seen in awhile, an author who wrote a book that moved you or to an organization that you’re glad exists (The YMCA, the local pub, whatever matters to you). (Make up day 3/29).
  • 2/8 – Summer in Winter day. You have to dress in summer clothing, do summer activies, and eat summer food (e.g. tank tops, shorts, volleyball, hot dogs and watermellon).
  • 3/15 (Today) – Ides of March. You must speak in Shakespearean English, preferably quoting from the play Julius Cesear as often as possible.
  • 4/1 – Silly hat day. You must wear a silly hat that can not be confused with any real purpose. You must wear it, or at least carry it around with you, for most of the day, including going to work, the store, friends, etc.
  • 4/17 – Learn something new day. It doesn’t matter how big or small but the day must involve learning a new skill. it could be a magic trick, or how to make lasagna. Ask people you know to teach you something they like to do.
  • 5/15 – The procrastinators lament . Take stock of all the important things you were supposed to have done by this time this year. Hang your head in shame at least until lunch time. Then make a list, rank them, and do at least one item on the list today. Decide the fate of the remaining items: either set them on fire and leave them behind, or make new plans to for the rest of them.
  • 6/3 – The day of fear. Pick something that you’re afraid of, trivial or signifigant, and go and do it. Might include calling a radio talk show, public speaking, getting onstage at an open mike night, handling snakes, telling someone how you really feel about them, whatever. You can pick a fear buddy: you help them with theirs, they help you with yours.
  • 8/9 – The day of surprise. Pick one person you know and like and plan a surprise. Could be a mystery gift package, tickets to their favorite show, or anything cool they’d never expect someone else to do for them.
  • 9/23 – Go somewhere new day. Get out a map, pick a spot you’ve never been to, and drive. No one in the car can have been there before. Pack a lunch maybe or bring some friends. Bring a camera. Send me pictures.
  • 10/12 – Share culture day. Make a pile of cool stuff you like and share it with someone. Could be a mix-CD of music. A box of cookies you’ve made. Anything. But you have to make it yourself and give it to one or more specific people. It can be a share culture potluck party: everyone brings cool food, music or games they’ve made.
  • 11/4 – Day of hedonistic glory. All bounds are removed. Eat what you like. Sleep late. Watch movies, really bad movies all day. Laugh as you drive past the gym, with Big Mac, Big Gulp, and Toblorone in hand. All the things you’ve wished you could do should be done: but today only.
  • 11/18 – Day of ascetic fasting and restraint. Do as little as possible. Spend your time in quiet places. Drink only water or tea. If you must eat, do so with great restraint and simplicity. Stay in one place as much of the day as you can. Don’t watch TV or use the computer and consume as few resources of any kind as possible. See how few things you can use or consume in one day.
  • 12/9 – Low technology day . Pick a year from the past and only use technologies that existed in or before that year (1950 would mean B&W TV, but no cable, no internet, no cell phones).
  • 12/31 – 2007 holiday planning day. Review which days you actually celebrated, make a list of ones to try and build a calendar for 2007.

If you think these days are lame, let me know what days you’d put on your own calendar. If you’re interested in following any Scoliday’s, leave a comment – and I’ll give a heads-up on the blog a few days before.

Update: Also see the failure of Scolidays.

Clever designs: Top ten alarm clocks

From uberreview The top ten alarm clocks. They rank them by annoyance, but from my perspective these are all clever in some way. Some work better as concepts I’m sure, but they deserve points nonetheless.

A perenial interview question at Microsoft was “design an alarm clock for one of: the blind, the deaf, the stupid, the hungover, the heavy sleeper, or the paranoid.” Many good answers can be found in this review.

The twist (beyond combining constraints, such as stupid and hungover”) was always that the clock had to cost less than $10, but sadly all of the ones listed here are well out of that price range.

Puzzle clock

Cool != Good and the future of UI

Touch display from NYU

One of the sensory highlights of E-tech ’06 was the demo of the multitouch interaction project from NYU. I’ve seen projects like this before, as things like it have been tried in the past, but this is the most polished and advanced of its kind. As you can tell from the picture, this display allows for complex interactions with your hands. You can grab things, slide them around, change input modes, you name it. You can use it as a keyboard, finger painting system or image modification suite.

The problem is that the demo is so non-representative of how we use computers. It’s more like an orgy of interaction pornography (everything is bigger, faster and shinier than life) than a sampling of how the world might be better with the use of a tool like this. The dude running the demo operates at high speed and with a magicians sense of flourish and polish – they knew exactly how to make this look cool. As a research project this is great – perhaps this is, or will lead to, how we’ll interact with machines in the future. But I see all sorts of easy questions about performance and interaction that this prototype itself can’t ask (What kinds of tasks is this good for? What new and useful behavior does it enable? What does it suck at? How hard is it to learn? etc.)

And that’s the trap – it’s a classic example of Cool vs Good – It’s great that people are excited by this project, as it fun and exciting to watch (aka cool). But there are few uses for something like this that match the coolness with value – exactly the same criticism I had of the famed VR type UI in Minority report. They both look fun, and match our faith in a cooler future, but that’s part of my point. I don’t think there is a strong historical correlation between what’s cool and what turns out to be good.

The video is a must watch: Go here to read about the project and watch the short film (12MB mpeg). Kudos to Jeff Han and everyone else that worked on this – nice job.

This week in UX-clinic: Drowning in customer love

This week in the ux-clinic discussion forum– Drowning in customer love:

We’re a small UX group (designers & usability engineer) for a large website – we constantly face the problem of decision makers who believe in customer omnipotence – that if the customer say blinking green, we should do blinking green. If they ask for 150 links in the nav bar, we should put 150 links in the nav bar. etc. All sanity goes out the window in our org if an important customer asks for an insane thing.

We’ve tried a few times to explain a better way to use customer input, but there seems to be this impenetrable, literal faith in “the customer is always right” that we can’t get past, and it’s hurting our work. We’ll be paying for some of these bad decisions for months to come.

Two questions:
1. What’s a better philosophy for using customer input/opinion
2. How do you convert people to that philosophy (without brain transplants)

– Drowning in customer love