Help me improve The Myths of Innovation!

I’m working on the paperback edition of my 2007 bestseller, the Myths of Innovation.

I’d love to involve some of you in the process and have a small crew of people who can help me scrub, polish, and refine the book over the next few weeks.

If you’re interested – leave a comment or contact me.

Tasks include:

  • Checking/Improving the references in the book
  • Identifying factual errors in the book (known ones are here)
  • Finding typos (known ones are here)
  • Offer counterarguments to my claims (this might be a new chapter)
  • Help me identify topics/questions to answer (this also might be a new chapter)

What you’ll get:

  • Signed copy of the new paperback edition
  • Name in the acknowledgments in the book
  • Exposure to the writing/publishing process
  • The warm fuzzy feeling of helping an author you like
  • Plus a possible surprise prize I can’t talk about yet

Interested? Leave a comment.

If you already have some of the above, go here.

50 Responses to “Help me improve The Myths of Innovation!”

  1. Alex

    Scott, I like your blog and essays, and I know I always appreciate it when people help call me on my BS.

    I’ll start off by saying that your “known ones are here” links are broken, and doesn’t seem to work.

    Please send me an email if you’d like some more.

  2. Allison

    Scott, I’d be interested in helping out. I haven’t read Myths yet, but I read and enjoyed both Confessions and Making Things Happen.

  3. Kimm

    I’d be delighted to help. I still have the copy of Myths from our first meeting at Lunch 2.0 :)

  4. Katie

    I’m a big fan! I may not be able to help as much with content issues, but i can certainly help with typos and references!

  5. oz

    read the book shortly after it came out, would be interested in helping with counter-arguments, references, questions.

  6. Jim

    Per DM, let me know how I can help you out.

  7. Cameron Priest

    Hi Scott,

    Have already read the book, so would happily read it again with a magnifying glass.



  8. susan chopra

    Interesting! Would like to help if I can

  9. Ian Tyrrell

    Hi Scott,
    I’d be happy to help with the spelling and fact checks.
    I’ve done this previously on several computer games, and on one of Kathy Sierra’s books (unfortunately right around the time of threats against her. I’m not sure if that book was ever finished.)


    Ian Tyrrell

  10. Ben A

    Hey Scott, happy to help as time allows. Typo-hunting and counterargument-generating are probably where I’ll be the best fit.

  11. Paul Tevis

    I’d love to help out. I’ve been holding off on reading Myths since I heard there was new edition coming out, but I’ve been reading a number of things (like Keith Sawyer’s Group Genius) in that area recently that have been pushing me to do so anyway.

  12. Dan Roberts

    Hi Scott,

    I would be happy to help you out! I’m not great at catching typos, but I would be excited to explore some counter arguments and questions to answer.

  13. Sue McPhail

    Would love to help. I have a B.A. in journalism, am an Accredited public relations counselor and writer. My firm, Ideaology, specializes in the design of cultures that foster innovation.

    Inventively yours,

    Sue McPhail, APR

  14. Jose Eduardo

    Hello Scott

    Do you think that a friend from Brazil can help you? I can read english well. My problem is wrinting, but i think that won

  15. Kevin Ingolfsland

    Scott, I’m a huge sucker for secret prizes and have a pretty sharp eye for detail in arguments. On the downside I do work for a huge corporation manages to do some pretty innovative things but also stifles innovation like it was the spark that started The Great Chicago fire (or was that a cow?). I’d like to be a part of the team.

    Thanks for the consideration,

  16. Rob

    Scott, I’d love to help out. I would like to do the counter arguments.

  17. Nathan Bashaw

    I’m definitely interested. This is a great excuse to read the book (something I’ve been meaning to do for about a month).

  18. Branimir

    Hi Scott,

    I have read MTH last year and Myths just few days ago.

    I Would like to help out. But as I see there are more than enough volunteers. I am from Europe (Croatia). I believe you could use someone with an outside of USA point of view.


  19. Katarzyna Krolak-Wyszynska

    If your invitation is still open – I would like to join you and the team. I will be happy to share experience that I’ve got working with our clients on innovations. Innovatika helps companies develop innovation strategies, new products and services as well as organisational innovations.
    Looking forward to next steps.
    Katarzyna Krolak-Wyszynska
    Partner, Innovatika

  20. del

    Hi Scott,

    If you still need more people I’d be glad to help. My copy of Myths just arrived two days ago and it’s next on my list to read (when I finish Rocket Surgery Made Easy). I don’t know whether that qualifies me or not!
    I’m a software development team lead in the UK and in the past I’ve done something similar on a .Net debugging book.

  21. Tisha White

    I’d be interested in helping out, it would give me a reason to re-read it.

  22. Divya

    I am interested and dwould love to help my favourite writer!

  23. K

    I’d love to help (aiming for the warm fuzzy feeling) but I don’t have a copy of the book. Would you share a softcopy?

  24. terry

    Hi Scott,

    I’d love to help. I haven’t read any of your work – today I found out about you via Your book sounds fascinating. Get in touch with me and I can provide you a sample of my own work. I’m in a different, but related field, and your book seems to harmonize with how I have always seen the creative process.

  25. Piotr

    I would also love to help! I’ve already voluntarily supported one IT magazine publisher a couple of years ago (mostly proofreading). This would also be a good excuse to finally buy the book (for the moment I own only “The Art of Project Management”) :). Or would it be possible to work with a soft copy?

  26. Pete

    I’m interested in helping out. Not read the book, but just started following you based on the Pixar Leadership post. Love the short and insightful book genre. I’m really keen on seeing how the dynamic works too.


  27. Simon

    Hi Scott,

    Would like to help as just read the first chapter of your book on Amazon and strikes me as an interesting read. Our own desire for tidy little narratives of discovery often distort the true, work-a-day nature of creativity. I like the way you describe the search for the source of inspiration at Google and other sites of creation. Such myths perpetuate the belief that creating and discovering are only for the few, when the reality is that everyone can access creativity; you can starve and wait to be rescued by inspiration, or you can sit down and churn it out.

  28. Chet

    I’ve never read your book, but I’m a freelancer for the book publishing business in Malaysia, and I’d like to help check your manuscript.


  29. Benoit des Ligneris


    Will be delighted to help and do a bit of crowdsourcing.

    I have some notes from my reading and have been practicing innovation in my company as well as read different book on the subject (including Clayton Christiensen one).


  30. Kobele

    sure Scott, I’d love to help on the scrub and polish of your book.


  31. Bella Martin

    Scott, call on me anytime. I wrote my Masters thesis at CMU on the real world business cues that derail innovation efforts, and I have a B.A. in English literature. Something tells me this could be a helpful combination on refining your paperback edition ;) Cheers!

  32. Warren Croce

    Hi Scott,
    I’d be willing to help.

  33. Kathy Mast


    I write, speak and consult on innovation. I’m interested in helping out as needed.

  34. Amy Leschke-Kahle


    What a terrific idea!! I’ve done similar tasks for Michael Linenberger and Michael Bungay Stanier and really enjoyed the experience. I am an engineer via training and work experience now leading a learning and development team of 27 for a larger retailer. So, I bring a mix of creativity and process to my work. I’d be happy to read your new revision and offer some feedback.


    Amy Leschke-Kahle

  35. Chris Granger

    Hey Scott,

    I’d be more than happy to help with some counter arguments.


  36. Michael Hart

    Hi Scott
    You rock Scott! Sign me up! As you know, innovation in the use of technology in health care is hitting the world by storm. I’m fortunate enough to have pursued this early in my career and obtained a Masters Degree in Healthcare Informatics from the University of Missouri School of Medicine. I’ve published research and worked as a journal reviewer. I’d love to work with you as well. In any case, take care and keep up the great work!!!


  37. Katherine Mendez

    Hi – I would love to help you out. I am currently a MA/PhD student in Psychology Creativity Studies at Saybrook University in SF, CA, researching just the type of things of which you write. I educated in fine art and engineering and worked in technology in San Jose for a while, so I have a pretty good perspective about things creative – or not. As part of my course work, I started a blog in WordPress which led me, as only one can be led in the world of links, to you, your book and your website. Perhaps my research will fit your purposes. Who knows, your work may end up in a PhD thesis? Hope I can be of help with you updates. Let me know. Please feel free to contact me. In the mean time, I will peruse your writings.

  38. Paolo


    I always loved your writing! Would be happy to help, too.


  39. David Pottinger

    I know it’s late but if the invitation is still open I’d like to be involved. I read Myths when it came out and re-reading it would be useful and interesting as I work in the research/innovation field myself. I also appreciate your open and honest approach!



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