Worldchanging: Ideas for a better future

The worldchanging folks, who run a great blog and non-proft org, are now releasing their first book: Worldchanging: a users guide for the 21st century.

From the press release:

Worldchanging is poised to be the Whole Earth Catalog for this millennium. Packed with the information, resources, reviews, and ideas that give readers the tools they need to make a difference. An intoduction by Al Gore, and a team of top-notch writers includes Cameron Sinclair, founder of Architecture for Humanity. Renowned designer Stefan Sagmeister brings his extraordinary talents to Worldchanging, resulting in a book that will challenge readers to personally redefine the conversation about the future.

Disclaimer: I wrote a short chapter for the book.

World tour starts now:

Seattle: Alex Steffin, Worldchanging editor and chief, and Bruce Sterling, will be speaking in Seattle Oct 28th at Town Hall: 7:30pm, $5 at the door.

Also in Portland, NYC, Mineapolis, Chicago, Toronto, Wasington D.C., and more. Tour details here.

2 Responses to “Worldchanging: Ideas for a better future”

  1. Oscar

    In relation to your post on, I just read your short chapter “How your business will change the world”.
    Just want you to know that it has inspired me.
    Without getting into the details, I’m changing my career towards the combination of sustainability and technology. Chapters like the one you wrote, help me in this change.

  2. Tim

    I also enjoyed the chapter you wrote, and found this site from the book. Worldchanging is beautiful, well written, and useful. However for me, the book’s design—large size and fancy slip-box that will be discarded by most libraries, seems to veer from its message of sustainability. Example, my wife unhappily lugged it home on the bus from the downtown Seattle Public library (another example of nice packaging vs. usefulness in my opinion). Anyway, she preferred not to lug it back, so I cranked up the Mazda.


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