Help me help folks in need

turkey150.jpgInnovation shminovation – some folks out there have trouble feeding their kids and staying warm. There are real problems out there that I often forget about.

This Sunday my wife, myself and our two goofy dogs are doing a 5k walk for the non-profit Unless you’ve recently done something cool for folks who need help, I’m inviting you to chip in and sponsor us on the walk.

They set up a personal website for my team, and it’s easy,safe and fast to donate. You’ll feel better. And most important of all: My dogs Max and Griz will think better of me, and you.

What to do: Go here and donate $1, $15 or more for our team, by paypal or credit card. Donate more than $50, and I’ll send you a signed, first edition copy of the Myths of Innovation.

If you can’t spare the cash, I hope you’ll find another way to make a difference this holiday season.

More info on the event, including creating your own team: Hopelink Turkey trot 2008.

Update: Donations accepted until December 2nd 2007.

3 Responses to “Help me help folks in need”

  1. Robin Walker

    Hey Scott – I went to donate, but couldn’t find the Paypal button? Robin

  2. Scott

    Sorry – looks like I was wrong about paypal. They do take most credit cards though.

  3. NoOneReally

    Hey Scott,

    Did not know you were married!
    Are there creative options to avoid marriage and still not be single, anyway i think a creative person like yourself if left alone would double his contribution to the world.


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